Rangitoto Island

I haven't told you about last Friday when we went to Rangitoto Island yet. It's an island 20 minutes by ferry from Auckland and it emerged 600 years ago out of a volcano and I guess that's pretty cool. On the island you can go hiking, climb the top and go into some caves. Throughout the day I discovered that the best way to overcome all of your fears is to hang out with 3 really adventurous guys. It was me and these 3 American guys who had me do things I normally never would've done, such as going into small, completely dark caves that you have to crawl through and you're not sure of if they have an end or not. That was actually really exciting and I was so proud of myself afterwards.

The weather was beautiful and it was such a great day!


a nice view over Auckland from the island…


20120829-173001.jpg going into the dark and scary caves…



having lunch on a “bunker” from the war…



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