The Waiheke adventure

I had a quite intense weekend, intense but also fun and rewarding. Friday night we went out and it was really good. After 2 hours of sleep I had to get up to meet my girlfriends and catch the ferry to paradise on earth number one, Waiheke Island. Wow, I believe that there is something magical about that place. You get so relaxed just by stepping on to that island. We met up with this Swedish woman we met last time at Waiheke (she is such an inspiring woman, in her fifties and fully enjoying her life) and she taught us how to make “things” out of flax leaves that you twin together, it's hard to explain but it was really cool. Then the six of us got to experience something I've never experienced before and that was quite amazing. Completely unexpected we got to do mediation. Oh my god, there were tears, laughter and a lot, a lot of emotions. I won't go into any details, but I think I would like to do it again. And I will probably tell you more about it later, because it really fascinated me!

Here are some pics from the lovely Waiheke adventure.
And for the record, I could definitely imagine myself move to Waiheke when I'm retiring.   







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