Just please tell me, tell me you still believe in love.

It's all just part of it, heartbreaks and that shit, it's part of love and life. It doesn't matter if you're twenty two or forty five, we've all been there. We've felt the pain. But more important, we can all love again. Always always always.

How can you just give up on love? And why the hell would you? There is nothing more beautiful to life, except life itself, than to love.

And when someone asks me, do you really believe in love, as if we were talking about Santa Claus. I just reply, do you really mean you don't believe in love? And when I look that person in the eyes I see that he or she has just given up. I want to say something, but I can't find the words. I wanna take the hands of this person, hold them and say, love is everywhere, just open up your heart.

Always remember, anything you believe in will be your reality.

You know what they say, life is either a daring adventure or nothing. And if you stop believing in love, you might as well be dead.


3 svar

  1. Fint… men får alltid ont i magen av alla som säger “alla har upplevt det”, för jag tror inte alla har gjort det (i alla fall inte ä n n u) och det kan bli känsligt då. Meeen.. gillar det du tänker!

    1. Tack för inputen Johanna. Visst är det så. Men, ingen stress, du kommer också ha fått uppleva det en dag. Kram!

      1. Jag har ju min distans love :) (stack på nya äventyr i sommar) ditt senaste inlägg gjorde mig nyfiken på framtidsplaner du har. Lycka yill!

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