Dinner at Elliot Stables and the cinema

Last night we decided to do a real girls night with dinner and go to the movies, and it was fabulous! We went to Elliot Stables for dinner, it's like a food court but more “fancy”. I loved the place and the food was delicious, there were a lot to choose from though which made it a pretty hard decision, we will definitely go back there. Then we went to watch Magic Mike and I swear it's one of the best movies I've ever seen. Oh my god, it was brilliant and best of all, Channing Tatum is the main actor and I would seriously kill for that man, DAMN! Watching him for 2 hours on a big screen was just, perfect. Haha. All of you girls, you have to see this movie, preferably at the cinema! And to all of you boys, no, you don't want to see it, trust me.

For the dinner me and Monica shared tapas and a jug of Sangria, and crepes with nutella for dessert. Who said something about eating healthy and skip all alcohol? I think I only heard something about, you only live once, and that sounded more like what I prefer.

Such a perfect Tuesday night. 








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